Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Narrow The Focus

Due to an unusual number of people unable to attend our monthly leadership meeting Sunday, I thought I just post up some of the notes from our discussion.

We've been working through some of the principles found in Andy Stanley's book 7 Practices of Effective Ministry. Without agreeing 100% with everything in the book, it does offer some very helpful insights into effective ministry practices. Here is an excerpt from some of our notes from Sunday:

•“Clarify The Win” is defining what success really is. It is defining the goal or target we are aiming for. For the church it is changed lives.

•“Think Steps, Not Programs” - Programs are not an end in and of themselves, they are steps in a process leading to spiritual maturity.

•“Narrow The Focus” is about deciding to do less in order to become more effective.

•Complexity diminishes your potential for

•We cannot confuse activity with effectiveness.
Activity does not equal effectiveness,
strategic activity equals effectiveness.

•The goal is not to do everything, it is to do a few things well.

•The more you focus, the higher the quality.

•The more you focus, the stronger the

Also, for anyone who is interested, you can subscribe to an audio podcast of each of the seven practices here.

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