Monday, April 30, 2007

Thought Provoking

As I was reading this morning I came across a quote from English spiritual writer Anthony Bloom. Regarding prayer he said,

"We complain that God does not make himself present to us for the few minutes we reserve for him, but what about the twenty-three and a half hours during which God may be knocking at our door and we answer, 'I am busy. I am sorry.' Or when we do not answer at all because we do not even hear the knock at the door of our heart, of our mind, of our conscience, of our life. So their is a situation in which we have no right to complain of the absence of God, because we are a great deal more absent than he ever is."

It really made me stop and think about how much God desires communion with us. God desires to commune with us through every part of the day, not just the times we traditionally set aside for prayer. He wants to give us an awareness of his presence even in the mundane and ordinary experiences of life.

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