Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spiritual Intensity

As I was reading through Romans 12:9-21 I got stuck on a pretty cool insight. It says in verse 11, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." I don't know about you, but I think sometimes we tend to view spiritual intensity as something that just kind of comes on us during revival moments or special services. Kind of like something that just happens in seasons and comes upon us unexpectedly. I'm not discrediting revivals and special seasons of God's blessing, but I think Paul is getting at something that transcends meetings and events. He's talking about a day to day lifestyle of spiritual passion.

What Paul is teaching here is that spiritual intensity can be cultivated and sustained. He even dares to say "never be lacking in zeal." Not only can it be nurtured and kept alive, it must. It's sort of like logs on a fire. If we refuse to continually put fresh wood and fuel on it it will eventually die. A spiritual fire is maintained the same way.

When it comes to sustaining a passion for God, intimacy sustains intensity. If we aren't spending time experiencing God in a fresh way daily, our spiritual fire will burn out. I'm not talking about doing "chore" devotions out of a sense of obligation. I'm talking about really encountering the living God through his word. In other words, we need to be cultivating a daily, interactive relationship with God.

I really believe our souls were created for fellowship with God. That place of intimacy with him is the only place we will ever truly be fulfilled. Experiencing God's unconditional, limitless love for us awakens and fans the flame of love and passion in our hearts back to God. So, Paul's exhortation to "never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord" is really an invitation to experience life to the fullest, the life we were created to live.

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