Thursday, September 13, 2007

Water Baptisms and New Members Class!

I'm pretty excited about our upcoming Membership class and water baptism service. These are always a great time for me. I love sharing with new people what our church is all about and what we believe. There is something that charges me up every time someone shares their testimony and is water baptized.

The membership class will be from 11am-1pm on Saturday, Oct 13, and the baptism service will be on Sunday, Oct 21 at 10am. If you are interested in participating in either of these send me an email here!.

1 comment:

ComeAliveToday said...

Dynamite! This is a great step for ACC. Most new converts don't realize the impact and blessings that water baptism generates -- it is a clear statement of a 'break with the past' through identification with His death and resurrection. I pray many participate!