Monday, June 11, 2007

Spiritual Awakening 3

We capped off our Spiritual Awakening services on Sunday morning at 10:00. The service was amazing from start to finish. There was a very noticeable sense of God's presence. We also praise God for a record attendance on a Sunday morning!

Daniel again shared a powerful message on bearing fruit for God. As long as we remain connected to Jesus, our Source of life, we will bear much fruit for his glory. Several responded to the invitation for salvation!

The entire church is just filled with positive energy and an uplifting spirit. I'm so blessed to be able to minister every week with people so eager to pursue God and live for his kingdom!

This weekend has been very uplifting and encouraging to me personally. There's something about teaming up with another passionate minister and friend to contend for spiritual breakthroughs in people's lives. I know that there are many people who will never be the same again. Praise God that he uses weak and broken people like us to accomplish his eternal purposes!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Great to hear Mike!! You are doing such an awesome job!