Friday, October 5, 2007

Life In Action

This weekend we'll be starting a new message series called "Life In Action". This series is all about learning how to put our faith into action, or maybe better, putting action into our faith.

Next week we will hear from Eric Ferguson, originally from Pittsburgh, now a missionary to Nicaragua. He and his wife Shanna are the founders of Metanoia Missions International, a ministry whose vision is to transform nations through the establishment of churches, schools, orphanages, micro-businesses, and humanitarian aid.

Then on Oct. 21 we'll celebrate with those who are taking action through water baptism in our morning service!


David said...

Dude, I don't know why your blog doesn't show up in my bloglines. Anyway, you are still the man.

Mike said...

I haven't figured out what the deal is yet. Not sure why it doesn't work.