Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Rise and Pray

It's interesting to see what Jesus told his disciples to do regarding prayer before he was arrested. In Luke 22:40, when he was on the Mount of Olives, he told his disciples "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." Then he went off by himself and prayed earnestly to God because he was distressed about the upcoming crucifixion. When he returned to where his disciples were he noticed that they were all sound asleep.

Jesus responded to them in v.46 "Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation." Previously he had encouraged them to only pray, now he challenges them to rise and pray. Why would he do this?

The Bible also teaches that while our spirits are often willing to engage in prayer, our flesh is weak. That means that our bodies and minds can make it difficult to pray. Jesus encourages them to do something physically that will help them spiritually. He calls them to rise and pray.

What we do with our physical bodies can help or hinder our spiritual development. Sometimes it's as simple as rising up when we pray. It simply helps keep the blood flowing and keeps us more alert. Why is it that sometimes it's easier to fall asleep in prayer meetings than actually pray? I think it's partly because we don't move at all. A little mobilization goes a long way in helping us to stay focused.

For years now I've found it particularly helpful to walk and pace as I pray. It really does help me stay focused. There certainly is no prescribed manner of prayer in the Bible. There are all kinds of biblical postures of prayer including kneeling, lying prostrate, standing, etc. Each one is meaningful and beneficial. I think we should employ all of them. The main point in prayer is the condition of our hearts and not the position of our bodies. However, I believe that our physical posture can have an effect on our ability to focus.

In certain times, like when we are exhausted or tired, it would be best to walk or pace when we pray. Jesus disciples were obviously very tired, but that's most likely why Jesus told them to rise and pray.

Just some of my thoughts. Do you have any?


Michelle said...

I laughed out loud when I read this post... I asked God this morning to show me how to focus and pay attention when I pray :)

Since I'm easily distracted by all sorts of things (particularly shiny things :P ), focus is definitely my weak spot. I'm gonna give "pacing prayer" a shot this week!


Good stuff, Mike! I find that I can stay more focused when I am walking, or even jogging when I pray too. It helps me to remember that we should pray continually and not just when we are "in our prayer closet". Thanks for affirming different styles of prayer. Love you.