Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Love Ambridge

I'm very excited about an opportunity we have to reach out and love our community. Saturday, April 21 we are going to join with the Committee to Clean and Beautify Ambridge for their Spring Kick-Off! As you may have already guessed, we will be cleaning and beautifying Ambridge.

In John 13, Jesus served his disciples by washing their feet. We get to serve our community by washing it's streets. I love opportunities like this to tangibly demonstrate Christ's love!

If you're interested in going with us, send me an email here. We'll be meeting at 8:30am on 4.21 at 552 Merchant St. Love for you join us!


kimberlyb said...

Mike I think this is aweseome! And on Sunday night we were all talking about ways to reach out by being on the streets of Ambridge. God is faithful!

kimberlyb said...

Oh also Mike... I thank God for bringing You and Jess to this community. You guys have been a blessing to this town. It needs more people like the two of you!